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Range Trade Alerts

(Trading $SPY, the "Magnificent 7" and FAANG's Stocks, by boxing them in tradable ranges). This is a monthly subscription with no long-term commitment.

The MyCompass Range Trade Alerts help you stay on top of the markets. "Looking at the stocks from 30K feet above".

You will get:

  • Receive Range Trade Alerts when the New York Stock Exchange opens each trading day. Carefully selected by our expert moderators, these alerts include neutral, over, and under ranges. Use these alerts to help you make better trading decisions. 
  • Access to our Range Trade Alerts, Members Trades, Off-Topic, Announcement, and Knowledge Sharing channels on Flock.
  • Access to Options Alerts and Option Trading Channels
  • Set the app to receive alerts on your computer, tablet, or phone.

With a remarkable consistency of over 70% successful predictions, MyCompass (formerly Turbo Trading Corp) stands out for its trade ideas. With each alert, you can choose to simply observe, or place trades as you wish. Subscribe today and experience the difference firsthand!

This subscription is recommended for full-time and part-time Day Traders. Range Trade Alerts are also part of the MyCompass Pro Subscription, which includes 6 chatroom channels, 3 additional announcement-only channels including Swing Trade Alerts and Stocks to Watch, educational videos, daily market recap, and a daily webinar with live trades.