$129.00 USD

Every month

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Swing Trades Subscription - Paid Monthly

Receive trading ideas from our expert moderators. You'll get:

  • Swing Trade Alerts by the Flock App, and email. Choose as many alert methods as you want.
  • Access to our Swing Trade Alerts, Members Trades, Off-Topic, Announcement, and Knowledge Sharing channels on Flock. Set the app to receive alerts on your computer, tablet, or phone.

  •  Access to our Swing Trade Database with months of trading performance history.

    This subscription is recommended for all types of traders: full-time, part-time, anytime traders. Swing Trade Alerts are also part of the MyCompass Pro Subscription, which includes 6 chatroom channels, 3 additional announcement-only channels including Swing Trade Alerts and Stocks to Watch, educational videos, daily market recap, and a daily webinar with live trades.

Use any trading platform of your choice to make trades -- or "paper trade" if you want to practice.

Just a reminder that we are not securities dealers, nor are we registered with the SEC. We do not give advice or recommendations and our ideas and suggestions are for educational purposes only.